Archive for July, 2015

Prepping vs. Coaching Clients in Child Custody Evaluations

Friday, July 24th, 2015

Prepping vs. Coaching Clients in Child Custody Evaluations by Alberto Yohananoff

{5:05 minutes to read}

This is the first blog in a series of three.

There are different perspectives concerning how forensic evaluators can assist attorneys in preparing their clients for child custody evaluations.


Judging the Quality of Child Custody Evaluations

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015

Judging the Quality of Child Custody Evaluations by Alberto Yohananoff

{4:20 minutes to read}

Clinicians who perform child custody evaluations have an implicit faith that the practices that have been developed over the years are valued by the reports’ consumers – attorneys and judges. But is this so? Given that the intended use of such products are members of the legal profession, it seems important to determine that the criteria attorneys and judges employ to assess the quality of child custody evaluations matches those developed by mental health professionals. If this is not the case what does this tell us?

Over the past two decades, mental health professionals have dedicated considerable effort to delineating the standards of what makes a good child custody evaluation, including:


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