Archive for December, 2015

Custody Evaluations: Relocation (Part 1)

Tuesday, December 29th, 2015

Custody Evaluations Relocation Part 1 by Alberto Yohananoff

{4:25 minutes to read} Relocation evaluations are difficult because they tend to be “black and white” cases by nature (the relocation is permitted or denied) and thus offer little opportunity for compromise.

Relocation, in the context of child custody proceedings, refers to a situation in which the custodial parent chooses to geographically move to a new location far enough from the non-custodial parent to potentially impact on his or her relationship with the child. Historically, the parent who wanted to relocate was required to show good cause for the move.


Joint vs. Sole Custody – Part 5

Friday, December 11th, 2015

Joint vs. Sole Custody Part 5 by Alberto Yohananoff

{3:15 minutes to read} This is a continuation in our article series that focuses on Joint and Sole Custody. Click here to read part 1, part 2, part 3, or part 4.

This is the last article on this series:


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