Archive for March, 2016

Aspects of Psychological Testing in Forensic Evaluations

Thursday, March 17th, 2016

Aspects of Psychological Testing in Forensic Evaluations by Alberto Yohananoff

{3:25 minutes to read} In this article, we continue our discussion of the issues involved with psychological testing in forensic evaluation. 

First, the evaluator must be certain that the measures have enough specificity, that is, that they directly tap into the construct of interest. In custody, for example, the construct of interest is parenting, and ideally, whatever instruments the evaluators choose to administer should bear on the parenting construct. 


Tools for Custody Evaluation: Psychological Testing

Friday, March 4th, 2016

Tools for Custody Evaluation: Psychological Testing by Alberto Yohananoff

{4:00 minutes to read} The Methodology of Forensic Evaluations.

Forensic evaluations differ with respect to the focus of the questions they seek to answer. For instance, in a custody evaluation, the focus is to assess the fit between a particular parent and a child. In contrast, in evaluations designed to assess competency to stand trial, the focus is to assess whether a party is able to understand the nature of the proceedings against him/her and his/her ability to assist the attorney.  


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