Archive for April, 2016

The Use of Collateral Sources in Forensic Evaluations: Part II

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

The Use of Collateral Sources in Forensic Evaluations: Part II by Alberto Yohananoff

{2:15 minutes to read} In this article, we conclude our discussion (see Part I) about the use of collateral sources in forensic evaluation by examining five problems that can limit the accuracy of collateral interviews—and ways for the evaluator to manage those problems.

1. Reluctance: The collateral source (the person being interviewed) is reluctant to participate or has concerns about personal consequences for his or her participation.

Management of problem: Explain the purpose of the evaluation and discuss the voluntary nature of participation.


The Use of Collateral Sources in Forensic Evaluations: Part I

Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

The Use of Collateral Sources in Forensic Evaluations: Part I by Alberto Yohananoff

{4:00 minutes to read} In our last article, we discussed psychological testing as a tool that forensic evaluators can utilize for the purpose of combating the bias inherent in the interview of the parties who present with their own agenda (e.g., in child custody evaluation, the overt agenda is proving that one is the better parent).

In this article, we look at another way to minimize the negative effects of biased parties’ presentation through the use of collateral data. Like psychological testing, collateral data is designed to provide evidence of convergent validity.


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